Baalbek… a brief encounter with Lebanon
A very short (too short), one day trip to see Beirut and the monumentally scaled temple ruins of Baalbek (Heliopolis – “City of the Sun”) in the Beqaa Valley, Lebanon.
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Recalling travel memories through photography...
A very short (too short), one day trip to see Beirut and the monumentally scaled temple ruins of Baalbek (Heliopolis – “City of the Sun”) in the Beqaa Valley, Lebanon.
Selection of my favourite portraits and photographs of the people of the world by some amazing Flickr based photographers…
On a run from Cairo to Alexandria our truck runs out of diesel before we even get out of Cairo – Egyptian taxi driver Mustafa comes to the rescue…
The story of a little Uyghur girl’s dreams at Goachang in western China…
Waiting… enevitably when travelling there are places where you need to be patient – the Atbara ferry crossing is one such place…
The giving of alms to the poor on a Friday outside a mosque in Marrakech, Morocco
Photographs of the stunning Haghia Sofia in Istanbul – once the cathedral of Constantinople, then a mosque from the 15th century…
Camping at Krak des Chevaliers – an awesome crusader castle in Syria… every boys dream!
A visit to one of China’s least visited, but biggest Buddha statues in Zhangye, Gansu Province
A kitten, a frog and some turkish music, or how I was introduced to turkish music in an Internet cafe in Cappadocia, Turkey