Help… do you read Chinese!
A short post and a request for help… I went to beautiful Huangzhou in China once and whilst I was there I visited a temple where you could reach up to a plaque on a wall and place your hand on some Chinese characters. I think the idea was that if you managed to reach and touch ‘good fortune’ you would indeed have good fortune in life…
Of course some things were more popular than others and the more desirable were higher up – harder to obtain as in life I guess. People were stretching, taking a run up and parents were lifting their children above their heads to give them a chance of riches, good fortune or happiness.

Like the many Chinese there I did the same thing and this was the character that I managed to reach – the trouble is I can’t remember the name of the temple, or more importantly perhaps what the character means!?
My diary notes and memory have let me done though and I cannot remember things accurately – I know it was in Huangzhou (Hangzhou) in Zhejiang Province, and I think the temple complex was Lingyin Temple (Temple of Soul’s Retreat)…
Can any one help???
- Is it Lingyin Temple?
- Can you tell me what the Chinese character means?
If you know the answers, please comment below, or send a tweet to @retrotraveller. It would be interesting to know the meaning of the character as then I could see if it worked!!

You’re a genius! I think you’ve cracked it – it does indeed look like:
So it looks like it means ‘touch’ which is funny because that is what I did I reached up and touched it… interesting to paste the character into Google and select images too … t
I’m still not sure I fully understand what it means… but thank you for clearing up this mystery!
The character is read as chu. Here is the meaning in Buddhism: