Emin Minaret, Turpan
Emin Minaret near Turpan, Xinjiang, China
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Recalling travel memories through photography...
Emin Minaret near Turpan, Xinjiang, China
Every picture tells a story…
Khan Atlas – How the Uyghur community in Hotan manufactory their famous silk fabrics and carpets…
Uyghur dancers rehearsing for a traditional dance performance at the Turpan Water Museum outside Turpan in Xinijiang, western China.
The story of a little Uyghur girl’s dreams at Goachang in western China…
A day out at Yekshenba market – the Uyghur livestock market at Kashgar in Xinjiang province, China
Traditional Uyghur knife manufacture in western China and the grand welcome at a Kashgar hotel
The Taklamakan desert in the Xinjiang region of western China… they say “you go in, but you don’t come out”!