Blog for Japan: Helping tsunami survivors

I was lucky enough to visit Japan a few years ago and had a wonderful time there. The Japanese people were amazing and the Japanese culture is fascinating – a crazy mix of the ultra-modern and ancient tradition.
I loved my time in Japan and so, like much of the world, I was glued to my TV screen when news came through that the biggest earthquake in Japan’s history hit on 11 March 2011.
A magnitude 9.0 earthquake is one thing, but the devastating tsunami that followed was the real killer blow that would bring one of the most modern of countries to it’s knees. We’ve all seen the footage of the wave hitting towns and villages along the Fukushima coast, and the aftermath – thousands missing, whole towns wiped off the map, and the survivors in temporary shelters, some under further threat from potential radiation leaks from stricken nuclear crisis power stations.

This page is dedicated to helping raise money for the survivors of the Japan Tsunami and has been created to support Todd Wassel‘s “Blog for Japan” campaign supporting the survivors of the devastating Japan Earthquake and Tsunami.
Todd’s idea is simple, if you have a blog, newspaper, or other way of publishing information and are willing to support the Japanese Survivors he would like people to reproduce and promote his article on How to Help Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami Survivors.
Todd and his wife Kaoru are both professional aid and recovery workers with the United Nations, and their “Blog for Japan” campaign started a few weeks ago with a blog post about Todd’s Experience During the Japan Earthquake in which he made a plea to his readers to spread the word about helping Japan recover… an article I’d recommend!
So please spare a thought and a pray for those who survived the devastating tsunami on 11 March and, if you can, do something or give something to help Japan’s Earthquake and Tsunami survivors.
See Todd’s original article at Todd’s Wonderings: Blog for Japan for details of how you can get involved in “Blog for Japan”!!
Please share this article to help spread the word “Blog for Japan” … arigato!
Great write up and thanks so much for the help and support!