What is the Tajik word for ‘vegetarian’?
Or how to confuse two Tajik girls in a restaurant in Tashkurgan…
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Recalling travel memories through photography...
Or how to confuse two Tajik girls in a restaurant in Tashkurgan…
Tash-Rabat and an unexpected insight into Kyrgyz life…
A lesson in how to make a Kyrgyz blanket called a ‘tushuk’ …
Two cultures combine to create a beautiful place of worship for Xi’an’s muslim Hui community…
The Towers of Silence at Dakhmeh-ye Zartoshtiyun – disposing of the dead the Zoroastrian way!
Fun with a mobile phone camera produces some interesting photographs whilst travelling through south east Turkey
The legendary rock formations in the Jety-oguz valley, Kyrgyzstan
Selection of my favourite portraits and photographs of the people of the world by some amazing Flickr based photographers…