Picnic in paradise… 17 miles from Budalyk?
A beautiful spot for a picnic somewhere on the road in Kyrgyzstan – yet another stunning valley in beautiful Kyrgyzstan
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Recalling travel memories through photography...
A beautiful spot for a picnic somewhere on the road in Kyrgyzstan – yet another stunning valley in beautiful Kyrgyzstan
Trader wearing a Kyrgyz ‘Kalpak’ at the bazaar in Osh, Kyrgyzstan
Marmots like mountains too!
Every picture tells a story…
A glimpse of Kyrgyzstan’s beautiful landscapes…
Tash-Rabat and an unexpected insight into Kyrgyz life…
A lesson in how to make a Kyrgyz blanket called a ‘tushuk’ …
The legendary rock formations in the Jety-oguz valley, Kyrgyzstan
A set of photographs from the beautiful country of Kyrgyzstan…
Whilst travelling through Kyrgyzstan we stumbled upon an old yurt – a memorial to a local legend… a strong man known as Kojumkul